JDS Labs Element III We’re incredibly pleased to present Element III. This is no ordinary refresh. Rather, we’ve reimagined our flagship amp+DAC to create a listening experience you will actually notice and appreciate. Element III runs on our second generation XMOS hardware and firmware, blissfully integrated with a custom encoder. You’ll hear perfect channel balance […]
Tag: jds labs element

JDS Labs Element II — Official Release & Benchmarks
JDS Labs Element II The Element is a timeless mechanical design which has remained in demand for over four years with only minor electronics improvements. While we could keep building the same, we’re excited to share more of our best work. Element II has been re-engineered as the flagship JDS Labs amp+DAC and amplifier. If […]

Element vs Objective2
Recent discussions reminded me that misconceptions also surround Element, such as: ‘Element is an O2+ODAC in a nicer box / Element has an ODAC inside’ False: While both are designed for transparency, performance and features differ: 1.5W vs 0.6W output power is substantial. ‘Element clips’ False: Of course not! Like any good design, gain is […]