Pairing Google’s Chromecast with a DAC During development of the JDS Labs OL & EL DACs, we went a little optical crazy around the office. You can see the results of some of these experiments in this post from last year. We received an email late last year from Erik, who mentioned that he uses […]
Tag: JDS Labs

“Hey, I was just wondering what the major differences were between the ODAC and the OL DAC.” This fine question continues to pop up in emails, on the phone, on reddit, on Head-Fi, etc. I was excited to push OL DAC into the wild last November for a number of reasons. I’ve always placed great […]

OL DAC: The People’s Filter
Understanding some customers’ want for customization, we placed an Easter egg in OL DAC for you to filter the sound however you see fit! If you wish to experiment with the sound signature of your OL DAC, we left pads for a 3-position DIP switch on the PCBs, Omron Part# A6SN-3104. Ask for it when […]

Announcing EL DAC, EL Amp, OL DAC, and OL Switcher by JDS Labs
Today’s announcement of the Element Line and Objective Line makes most sense when viewed alongside our mission: JDS Labs enables exceptional listening experiences, with underlying objectivity in our designs and transparency in our interactions. JDS Labs is strongly associated with audio measurements these days–perhaps to an excessive degree. Still, the subjective experience certainly matters. Each […]